Ready To Take A Call On Your Health And Get Fit Again

Meet My #KetoWarriors

While you are making up your mind have a look at some of the transformations that have already happened. People like you and me, who reached out for help and are now precious friends.

Jaya Jain - Keto For India

Jaya Jain

Jaya Jain even surprised herself with her dedication and discipline. With the help of my Keto Coaching she renewed her energy levels, lost weight and has even successfully maintained it.

Keto Diet Rsults


It was her husband who inspired her to give Keto a try, as she had been struggling to get rid of bad food eating habits, and gluten addiction for a while. She is also allergic to nuts and a few veggies. A pure Vegetarian Keto plan was designed for her with all these things in mind.


Keto is not just about weight loss, it’s about discovering the new fitter and healthier you.