About Priya Dogra – Indian Keto Coach

My name is Priya Dogra, an Indian Keto Coach and Nutritionist. This is my personal story of success, of getting fit and losing weight, by switching to a Ketogenic Lifestyle. The journey has inspired me to share my story with all those looking for inspiration to lose weight and get healthy again.

It is not easy to live in any country, neighbourhood, locality or apartment if you are fat and unhealthy. You get stared upon, snubbed and made fun of by anybody and everybody.

This was the story of my life. Before becoming an Indian keto coach, I used to hide behind baggy clothes, fancy stoles and ethnic shawls. When I used to look in the mirror, my gaze used to stop at the neck. I chose to ignore to look at the fat that was staring back at me, neck below. But in life, I have realized you always have two choices, either to go on living like the way you are. Where you make a conscious decision to not step out of your ‘comfort level’, to kill your dreams and to accept all that is going wrong with you as fate. Or you can kick yourself in the backside and tell yourself to snap out of this gloomy situation and take charge. More than thirty odd years is a long time to be fat, ugly and unhealthy. I had been eating from the time I had attained puberty, I think. And I was the kind of person who used to proudly say – ‘I live to eat’. There was no chocolate in this world that I had not tasted, and every brand of biscuit had been devoured by me. The cookie was my best friend, when I was down, lonely, or when I wanted to believe that nobody understood why I liked to eat all day. Food people say is comforting, I say the wrong food choices are worse than a bad enemy waiting to strike you down.

Priya Aurora - Indian Keto Coach and Nutritionist
Priya Dogra – Indian Keto Coach and Nutritionist

Indian Keto Coach Priya Aurora's Keto Transformation
Priya Dogra Keto Transformation
Keto Coach Priya Aurora's keto transformation
If I Can Do it, Anybody Can
Priya Aurora, founder Keto for India
Me Almost 2 Years Back
Priya Aurora- Indian Keto Coach and Nutritionist

Contact Me

People Behind My Transformation

When you are down and out, and you feel that it cannot go any worse than this, your immediate safety net of family, friends and peers play a crucial role in your fight to beat the odds.

Priya Dogra- Keto Coach & Nutritionist India
With My Brother!

I was lucky to have a brother who gave me an ultimatum that if you fall ill with a disease like hypertension or diabetes, since we have a family history of that, do not expect me to come to visit you in the hospital.

Priya Aurora- ISSA-certified Indian keto coach
My Mom, My Biggest Inspiration!

My Keto journey started on 1st January 2015

“I started by taking baby steps, learned the hard way and every day is still a learning process”

A lot of you will want to venture into the Keto world and find that suddenly you will get bombarded by terms like carb content, macros, calories intake and standard questions on what to eat and what not to eat.

To get puzzled and confused is good, the important thing is to stay determined to change your lifestyle and give yourself a makeover. Keto is the only diet and lifestyle that will show you results in four days. In the first week itself, you should be losing around three to four kg, which is the water weight, and that should be motivation enough to keep you going. Don’t worry about what people will say or what your peers will think of you. In less than a month you will be glowing with good health and the same people will now hound you with questions, on what are you doing, is it easy? What do you eat? etc, etc.

Your time to gloat in pride and self-confidence will come, and then there will be no looking back. A lot of you ask me if the diet is easy. You should probably ask yourself that question. A healthy regime will always ask for a certain amount of discipline and mental strength. When you adopt the Ketogenic Lifestyle, you will feel like a new person. You will be able to run with your dog, climb mountains with your teenage kids, and go para-gliding in Goa, you will feel like a winner all the way.

Like I have always said before; when you decide to get fit and lose weight, let the motivation be you, not any friend, wedding, husband or lover. Be determined to feel beautiful from inside, and soon all the pieces will fall into place. The first thing you will notice will be the almost strange surge of energy, that most of you will feel in the second week itself. Since, I have been on Keto I don’t yawn, feel sleepy in the afternoons and nor do I want to go home and fall down like a bag of potatoes on the bed. I have the energy to go on non-stop and can multitask like never before.

So if you have been wondering all these years, if you have it in you to get fit, healthy and beautiful, then let me tell you that each one of us has that inner strength, we just need to take charge and take a stand. If you stick out the first three months of the diet, I can bet you will be hooked for life. So follow my lead and take a call today!

My successful journey motivated me to help others, and I become an ISSA certified Indian Keto Coach. Get on to the Keto Wagon and discover a new you. If you think you are all set to give yourself a makeover, then all you need to do is drop me a message and I will more than happy to guide you every of the way.

Indian keto Dietitian and Nutritionist Priya Aurora
After 6 Months of Keto
Priya Aurora Keto Diet Results and Transformation
Weightloss Motivation
Indian Keto Coach Priya Aurora Body Transformation
If I Can Do It, So Can You!
Priya Aurora -ISSA-certified Indian keto Dietitian and coach
After a Year on Keto
Priya Aurora - Indian Keto Nutritionist and Dietitian
After Two Years on Keto

Contact Me

My Story Got Covered in India Today, Live Mint, Open Magazine and Times of India

After becoming an Indian keto coach, My story got covered by Times of India too! I was 100kgs when I started my Keto journey, and today I am a happy 62kgs. If you are a working mother like me, a foodie who has had his or her full of junk, or somebody who hates the word gym or exercise, then I urge you to take my word and adopt the Ketogenic way of life. Give yourself a makeover, as I gave myself. Challenge yourself, I’m here for you!

I got featured in OriGym Fitness & Personal Training magazine’s Top Nutrition Blogs list.

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    Ready To Take A Call On Your Health And Get Fit Again

    Meet My #KetoWarriors

    While you are making up your mind have a look at some of the transformations that have already happened. People like you and me, who reached out for help and are now precious friends.


    #Keto and your guidance worked, when everything else failed.


    Deepa had tried everything to loose her weight. From fad diets to spot fat loss workouts, juice fasts,detox diets. Not one to give up she finally resorted to #Keto and with me as a coach she managed to conquer the cellulite stores


    Pranay lost 9.5 kgs and loads of inches, as evident from the images. He enrolled for my Vegetarian Keto Coaching Plan, for 3 months, and his wife was most supportive, in ensuring that the diet went on smoothly.