Keto Keepsakes

When you are obese, you have this strange and unreal feeling that everybody is looking at you. Even when they are not. In the times we live in, fat is ugly and thin is beautiful. I was a FAT person for many years, to be specific, till 31 December 2014. And then I took the call to do something about it. Negotiations and conflict resolutions that I had been making on a daily basis for so many years started to limp in frailty as I decided to lose weight and get in shape. I had tried every shortcut and sure shot formula in the book, only to fail at the end of it.


Keto was different, it made me eat the food I love and not starve myself to the extent that I even had nightmares of food. I was eating and losing weight and to top it all I was glowing from inside.


I learnt Keto by hit and trial, as when I started it was not heard of much in the country and not in my small town for sure. I was working, taking care of my kids, the home and still getting into shape, without stepping into a gym. From 100 kg, I was going down to 60s, steadily and consistently. When you see your dress sizes falling, you don’t need anybody’s affirmation, or approval, for what you are doing.


Once, I decided to take this to the next step, there was no looking back. There were many like me who had given up on the idea of ever looking beautiful, fit and healthy again. I decided to educate myself and did a course and became a certified Nutrition Coach. If you ask me what keeps me going, I will give you one simple answer, it is the feedback and the success stories.

In my Keto Coaching program, we do a progress check every Sunday. Hence, Sunday is the most exciting day for me, as I wake up to pictures of tests and progress sheets of all the people taking Keto Coaching from me. And then there are messages on WhatsApp and mails, of people sharing their happiness and joy with me. Today I would like to share my personal wealth of those messages with you.

And sign off on the simple note- I love going to work on Mondays, as my Sundays are simply Fantastic.


Ashima Chauhan review
Rich Sharma & YG Review
Feedback by Saurabh Sawhney
Nritya Ganesh review of Keto For India
February 2024 Keto Diet Plan Testimonial
Indian Keto Diet Plan Review by Pawan Arora
Review by Manvinder Kaur
Keto diet plan review by Ashwin
Review of Keto Diet Plan By Saurabh Sawhney
Jaswinder Kaur review of Priya Dogra Keto diet plan
Feedback of Priya Dogra keto diet plan by Hardip Kaur
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Keto For India stats

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Give yourself a makeover by just changing what you eat. Join the Keto revolution today.


Ready To Take A Call On Your Health And Get Fit Again

Meet My #KetoWarriors

While you are making up your mind have a look at some of the transformations that have already happened. People like you and me, who reached out for help and are now precious friends.


Strength does not come from the physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

Jayeetri #keto #healthy

If you want something you haven’t had before, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done before.

Manu Jacob - Weight loss and Keto Diet Success Story

Manu Jacob

Manu Jacob lives in Dubai and it was his wonderful wife Jeby who convinced him to enroll for my Keto coaching and get healthy. Jeby and me together as a team gave Manu the much-needed burst of energy and the rejuvenation he essentially needed with a stressful job.