Meet My Keto Warriors

While you are making up your mind, have a look at some of the transformations that have already happened. People like you and me, who reached out for help and are now precious friends.

My Keto Client

After following 3 months of my Keto Plan, she lost inches and weight. Although, with the world coming alive after the lockdowns, it was very tough for her on many occasions. I totally salute her commitment and determination.

Keto diet transformations


That’s the weight in kgs that Chirag lost after following my personalised Keto Vegetarian Plans for 6 months.


Saritha is a hands on mom and a very dedicated wife. She ensured her hubby got his Keto food on time, and ensured that she followed her eggetarian Keto plans precisely too.


Vijay followed my Vegetarian Keto plans and lost almost 15kgs in 4 months, and as you can see gave himself a makeover.


Pramiti took my Keto Coaching as a learning experience and is all set to carry on, on her own now. She lost 13kgs and 5 inches on the waist. Keto made her a stronger, fitter and more confident woman.

My Keto client

My Keto client

My Keto client

She’s in a household full of festivities and wanted to look her best and as soon as possible. And having tried Keto before she knew that is the only diet which works fast and gives the desired results. So now she can look her best and feel amazing too.



Lekha lost more than 10 kgs and loads of inches. And has now decided to stay focused on this road to better health and fitness. She lives in US, and by the time she finished my Keto Program she had astonished herself and her family with her discipline and her makeover.



Sukant joined my program along with his wife and benefitted greatly by following a Ketogenic Lifestyle. He has in-fact decided to make Keto his WOE

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