Meet My Keto Warriors

While you are making up your mind, have a look at some of the transformations that have already happened. People like you and me, who reached out for help and are now precious friends.

Before and after keto diet transformation of Rajji


Rajji is not just a client, she is a dear friend and an amazing single mom. This is her second session with me and this time she has learnt the basics and is ready to implement all the good things I taught her in her daily life.


Vidya lives in UK and is a very successful professional and a hands-on-mom. She successfully lost weight and inches on my personalised Low Carb Plans, and did not have to cut corners on her social life, since on a diet.

I was on low-carb diet under guidance of Priya and lost nearly 10 kilos in 3 months. The meal preps were simple and big thanks to Priya for continuously motivating and guiding me throughout, without which I don’t think I could have achieved my target weight. Highly recommend Priya if u the want to see the magic in such short period of time — Vidya.

Review by Vidya

Before and after keto diet transformation of Sudheer


Sudheer wanted to do Keto along with his wife, Saritha, whom we had featured recently, to lose body fat and get toned. He was leading a very active life and the plans were designed to make him stronger, fitter and leaner. So from 28.6% Body fat he went to 16.6% Body fat in three months of Keto.

Before and after keto diet transformation of a client of Priya Dogra

My Keto Client

It brings me immense pleasure in sharing these pics with all of you. This progress was achieved in 3 months on my personalised Keto mixed plans. She followed my plans precisely and listened to all the tips and tricks. Keto is a scientific diet, and when followed with discipline and commitment, will always work for you.

Before and after keto diet transformation of a client of Priya Dogra

My Keto Client

In 90 days, she went from 96kgs to 83kgs, despite the pressure of embarking on a new career path and adapting to a new way of Keto eating.

Before and after keto diet transformation of Ruhina


Ruhina is a teacher in Oman and is delighted by the way she feels on Keto. She has more energy to finish her everyday tasks, and yet feels great at the end of the day. She chose to go with my mixed Keto plans and followed them precisely. It’s always a pleasure to work with those who want to get fit and healthy and are not looking for shortcuts or magic potions. ?

Before and after keto diet transformation of Jane Mathew

Jane Mathew

Priya was helpful in guiding and mentoring me through the 12 weeks of this journey. I had got myself into a rut of eating poorly, and my water intake was low.
Although I didn’t have tremendous weight loss like other testimonials, I did lose 6.5kgs. I have consistent and steady loss of 0.5 kg per week.
My eating patterns have changed, and the best change has been upping my water intake to 4l. This was the biggest struggle for me.
Priya checks in, and sends motivations to keep you going.

If you are looking for changing your eating patterns and not just weight loss, I would recommend trying her program as a Kickstarter.

Thanks, Priya.

Before and after keto diet transformation of Dinesh


Dinesh has followed my Keto Vegetarian personalised coaching for just two months and the results are already screaming loud.

Hence, I had to share them with you. And mind you we are talking of a very simple vegetarian regime without any fancy avocados or tofu or almond milk.

A pure Vegetarian Keto plan which helped him in losing weight, inches, lowered his BP and increased his energy levels considerably.

My Keto Client

I have for you today, the story of a remarkable young girl, who handled every challenge that came her way without giving up.

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