Meet My Keto Warriors

While you are making up your mind, have a look at some of the transformations that have already happened. People like you and me, who reached out for help and are now precious friends.


With my #Keto Coaching she lost 13 kgs and as evident from the pictures loads of inches. She infact lost 7 inches on the waist.


Aarti lost almost 13kgs in three months and her pictures speak for themselves.


In 90 days she went from 96kgs to 83kgs, despite the pressure of embarking on a new career path and adapting to a new way of #Keto eating.


I did have a few doubts and there at the outset but keto has not only made me lose weight but I am actually off my medicines for PCOS


She followed my #Keto #Coaching precisely and her results have been amazing.


Her never giving up spirit has made her a more fitter and healthier woman today.


You have helped me to adopt this as a lifestyle rather than just another fad diet. Will try to continue and maintain this.


After following my #Keto #Coaching for just 90 days, Pavithra lost more than 12 kgs and loads of inches as evident.


He has decided to adapt the #Vegetarian #WOE in order to stay healthy and his pictures speak of his determination and commitment.

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