Meet My Keto Warriors

While you are making up your mind, have a look at some of the transformations that have already happened. People like you and me, who reached out for help and are now precious friends.

Seema Keto For India Transformation


Seema was a delight to work with, as during my 3 months of strict Vegetarian Keto Coaching there was never a day when she asked me to make replacements or told me that she was “ bored of paneer. “ She had her eyes on the target at all times and her results have been exceptional.

Sid - Keto For India Body Transformation


Sidd had absolute clarity of his fitness goals when he first contacted me. He met his fitness targets, with my Keto Coaching in 2.5 months and is now going to focus on building strength and toning up. I share his pictures today with utmost satisfaction and the pleasure that I could help him achieve what he set out to.

Anu - Keto For India Body Transformation


At all times in your lives, you will find things happening that will force you to put your health on the back burner. The same was happening with Anu, she had been wanting to focus on fitness for a long time. But something or the other came up. Even during my Ketogenic Coaching she was travelling on work almost every week and spending many hours shuffling flights between cities. But that didn’t deter her from the plan and she stuck to it at every cost.

Navin - Keto for India Body Transformation


Navin came back for the second session of Keto Coaching with me, and was super impressed with the way his body responded this time too. We successfully paired a Ketogenic Lifestyle with an effective exercise regime and achieved the targets he wanted.


Divya signed up with these words “I’m 34 years old, I weigh 68.5 kgs and my height is 4’11
I have an apple-shaped body. How much can I expect to drop if I do it meticulously as per your diet? Just a rough idea would do. My ideal weight is 50-53 kg. It would be great if we can work towards achieving that, I’ll do whatever I can. I just need handholding”. Keto worked for Divya like a miracle. As you can see, her tummy is not visible now. She lost many Killos in a very short time of period. Obviously, she was a disciplined student and was doing whatever I asked her to do. Her hard work and self-control paid her off.

Geetika - Keto For India Body Transformation


Geetika (86 Kgs), 35 years mother of a toddler lives in Nairobi, Kenya. She got the inspiration to get into Keto wagon after seeing the results and stories of so many people. Geetika had completely switched to Vegetarian Keto after the first month of my Keto Coaching; her dedication, commitment to getting fit is most commendable. We parted ways at 67.2 Kgs after 6 months. I wish her loads of success.

Mrugakshi - Keto For India Body Transformation


Mrugakshi was a delight to work with and her smiling after picture made my day extra special. She lost weight, inches and gained loads of confidence, by following my Keto Coaching precisely. Success stories like hers make me more passionate about my work and give hope to many.

Usha - Keto For India Body Transformation


Usha took on the Ketogenic Diet as a challenge, as her friends kept harping about its benefits to her. She enrolled for my Keto Coaching for three months and hit her target weight at two and a half months itself. And as evident from the pictures she lost weight, inches and feels super fit and energized.

Pritha - Keto For India Body Transformation


Pritha stays in the US, and enrolled for my Keto Coaching for three months. She successfully completed the program and lost about 14kgs and inches too. At the end of the program,she was totally hooked on to leading a healthy lifestyle and is also maintaining the weight successfully.

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