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Episode 19: How to Care For Dry Hands After Over-Sanitizing and Washing Amid Covid-19

how to care for dry hands - Fitness Radio Podcast by Keto Coach Priya - Schools Post Lockdown - Fitness Radio Podcast by Keto Coach Priya


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Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 19, and you are back with Priya Dogra. Today, I am here to talk about something very important that many of us are ignoring amid the serious Coronavirus pandemic.  Yes, the situation is getting worse, and we already are reading a lot about it from the past several months.

But this time, I want to talk about how to properly care for your dry hands caused by over-sanitization and washing amids the Coronavirus threat.  I am the type of person who is very fond of soft and nice-looking hands. Generally, what we do is in our attempt to look pretty and presentable, we tend to forget our hands and feet. So I made a habit of keeping a hand cream in my bag, on my bedside table, at my desk, and lots of people used to wonder at it, but honestly I didn’t care.

It’s a nice habit to pamper your hands, and to make them look nice and smell nice. Since the pandemic came in, we are washing our hands all day long, and then we are sanitizing them.  Sanitizing them to the extent that our phones are not recognizing our fingerprints.  Even if when we try to use our hands to do other things, our hands feel so dry and lifeless, as if the outer layer has been peeled off.  Washing is important, but then we need to take care of our hands too.

Also, there are many reports which suggest that too much sanitization is not actually good. Eventually, a sanitizer penetrates the first layer of the skin of our hands, and somewhere there will be some side effects. So ensure you are using a good sanitizer, and ensure that you are keeping your hands soft and taking care of them too.

I have some basic tips that you can do, and for that you don’t have to buy a fancy cream or something which is expensive. There are so many things that you can do at home.

These were some handy tips to take care of dry hands and skin that we are facing nowadays. Take out some quality time for yourself, pamper yourself, and give yourself a home manicure or pedicure. If you don’t have time for this, just moisturize your hands, or put a drop of lavender or any essential oil in Malai or whatever oil you are using to keep your hands soft. Believe me, when your hands are smelling nice, your day is made.

Till then take care of your health, mental health, stay positive, and be safe.

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