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Akanksha and Life Coach Priya Dogra

Life Coach Priya Dogra

Life Coach Priya Dogra

My name is Akanksha, a 36-year-old unmarried woman from Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. When I turned 30, I felt trapped in a body that didn’t belong to me. Seeing the scale display 120 kilograms made my heart sink. Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t recognize the woman staring back at me. I was lost in self-doubt and lacked self-love.

It wasn’t just the extra weight that weighed me down; it was also the anxiety and depression that had taken hold of me. Every day was a struggle against my own thoughts, trying to find the courage to face the world outside. The weight on my body felt like a heavy burden on my spirit, crushing me with its force.

My health suffered for 5 years because of my weight. I was trapped in a cycle of eating driven by anxiety, finding temporary comfort in food. But each bite only added to my self-loathing, pushing me further into despair.

My body rebelled against me, burdened by the excess weight. Diabetes became an unwelcome companion. Simple movements became difficult tasks. The mere thought of going out filled me with shame and dread. So, I confined myself to the safety of my home, where no judgmental eyes could hurt my fragile self-esteem.

I desperately wanted to break free from this self-made prison, and luckily I came across a post of Priya Dogra – a certified Nutritionist and Life Coach on Instagram. I immediately reached out to her and shared my struggles and challenges. My first conversation with her ignited a strong desire within me to find the strength for a healthier life, both physically and mentally.

After I enrolled in her fitness program, something remarkable happened. My self-doubts slowly began to fade away. Her unwavering motivation and support nurtured the flickering flame within me, igniting a newfound determination to work hard for my body and ultimately find liberation. Every day, I worked hard to rebuild my self-confidence and uncover the self-love hidden beneath my self-criticism. It took time and there were setbacks and moments of vulnerability, but with her unwavering support, I remained determined to regain control of my life. Going from 120 kgs to 58 kgs in a year was a challenging journey, but her guidance kept me focused and motivated.

Benefits of her life coaching program

  1. The program assisted me in stepping out of my comfort zone, which was exacerbating my condition.
  2. The program helped me break free from unhealthy eating habits and comprehend the advantages of eating healthily without compromising on taste.
  3. The meal plan provided was delectable, full of nutrition, and easy to cook.
  4. My mental health improved significantly after I began losing weight.
  5. My overall health and diabetes have significantly improved to the point where I no longer require any medication for its management.
  6. The program was specifically tailored to my needs, and she understood my desire to maintain my privacy and keep my identity undisclosed throughout the program.
  7. I feel energetic and flexible now. The program assisted me in cultivating a regular practice of yoga and meditation.
  8. The program familiarized me with the concept of calorie counting and emphasized the importance of aligning my food intake with my body’s specific nutritional needs.
  9. She was always accessible to address my concerns and guided me like a friend throughout the entire journey.

Even though I faced numerous challenges and struggled along the way, Priya instilled in me the belief that I will see the transformation one day. With her guidance, I managed to rise above the shattered fragments of my self-esteem, embracing a transformative journey of healing and rediscovery. I owe my progress to her unwavering support and her relentless dedication to her clients.

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